Sunday, May 30, 2010

How to Clean Your Grill

Great grilling begins with a clean grill, just as a painter begins with a fresh canvas. Your meal won't taste the absolutely best after it's been cooked on top of last week's charred BBQ. Here are a few ways to efficiently clean your grill and attain the delicious flavors in your meals:

- The first way to avoid having to spend a lot of effort in cleaning your grill is by spraying light cooking oil on the grates to limit sticking, or by using durable aluminum foil with slits.

- Another great option is Olive Oil. Rubbing down your grill grate with a quality olive oil coating can keep your meats from sticking. Olive oil also functions as a great grill cleaner. Use a wire brush to completely scrub the grill, removing caked-on debris. Once the grill has the larger chunks removed, coat the grate completely with the olive oil. Then rinse the grate with water for a clean shine.

- If your grill has been neglected, you need to first start with the grates by removing them and placing in a bucket of warm soapy water to soak for around 2 hours. Be sure to use a natural, chemical-free liquid soap. The longer the grill soaks, the easier it is to get the nasty substance off. Once done soaking, grab a stiff wire brush and begin scrubbing until the debris is fully removed.

- For a charcoal grill, remove the coal grate and brush the insides thoroughly. For a gas grill, remove any briquettes, rocks or shields to reveal the burner. Clean away residue and ash from around the burner. Be sure to check whether the burner is back in its place when finished. For a gas grill, where the gas jets clogged, should be replaced with a wire brush or clean up the burner.

- Now for the finish, and the racks and coat inside with cooking spray. Put the grill back on the grid and air dried. The next time the heat cook, is sure that the grid has secured at least five minutes late for each cleaning burned.

- If you want yourGrill whole really shine, then remove the grates and remove all the ash. Get your garden hose and spray the grill. Complete scrub with soap and water, hot water while using a pad of steel wool. Debris cooking can be devastating to all parts of your grill, not only cause rust.

Always know that regular cleaning, the task may be easier each time. Whenever you have a good barbecue sauce thick requires a good clean on the delicious food nexttime. Here's to great grilling.

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